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Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

Daftar PTC/PTR/Bux yang terbukti MEMBAYAR

Yup, sesuai dengan judul posting kali ini saya akan memberikan daftar PTC/PTR/Bux yang terbukti dan benar-benar membayar. Disini saya akan mengklasifikasikan antara PTC dari Indonesia dan luar negeri, serta akan saya beri juga penjelasan serta kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing. Jika anda tertarik silahkan join dengan mengklik banner yang ada dalam daftar dibawah ini (tidak ada pungutan biaya apapun malah kita akan dibayar).

PTC Indonesia
Disini yang saya maksud adalah PTC dari Indonesia yang membayar pakai Rupiah, walaupun ada sih PTC Indonesia yang membayar pakai Dollar. Tapi tenang aja, PTC Indonesia yang membayar pakai Dollar akan saya kategorikan di PTC yang membayar Dollar.

kita akan dibayar Rp100/klik (member biasa), PTC yang masih jaya sampai sekarang pembayaran via rekening bank.
(untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

kita akan dibayar Rp150/klik (member biasa), PTC Indonesia yang membayar Rp150/klik untuk member biasa pembayaran via rekening bank. (untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

kita akan dibayar Rp100/klik (member biasa), PTC yang masih baru alias masih anget patut dicoba apalagi cashout lumayan cepet yaitu Rp25.000 pembayaran via rekening bank.
(untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

kita akan dibayar Rp100/klik (member biasa), sama kaya yang diatas PTC ini juga baru patut dicoba pembayaran via rekening bank.
(untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

Untuk saat ini PTC Indonesia yang membayar rupiah yang saya ikuti hanya empat seperti yang diatas dan saya sudah pernah memperoleh bayarannya dan bisa langsung dinikmati soalnya langsung masuk ke rekening bank kita. Jika kira-kira pendapatannya misalnya dari satu PTC saja kita bisa mendapatkan paling tidak Rp50.000-Rp100.000 bagaimana jika kalau kita ikutan lebih dari satu PTC (saya merekomendasikan PTC yang sudah saya tulis diatas). Bisa dibayangkan kita bisa memperoleh pendapatan ratusan ribu bahkan bisa mencapai jutaan rupiah akan masuk ke rekening bank kita hanya dengan mengikuti PTC tersebut dan bekerja cukup tidak sampai 20menit/hari dengan syarat anda harus serius mengikuti program PTC ini jika ingin lebih cepat menuai hasilnya.

PTC dengan bayaran Dollar
Berikut adalah PTC yang akan membayar kita dengan Dollar dan telah saya survey sehingga PTC dibawah ini layak diikuti dan bukan scam alias benar-benar membayar (kalau scam ngapain saya tulis disini, hehehe...)

kita akan dibayar $0.01/klik (member biasa), sebenarnya PTC ini milik indonesia tapi mereka membayar kita pakai Dollar pembayaran bisa via rekening bank atau paypal.
(untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

kita akan dibayar $0.01/klik (member biasa), ini juga termasuk PTC Indonesia dan masih baru patut dicoba pembayaran via alertpay.
(untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

up to $0.01/klik (member biasa), menariknya disini kita juga akan dibayar untuk signup, nge-blog, dan juga main game. pembayaran via paypal.
(untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

up to $0.1 cent/klik (member biasa), inilah salah satu andalan saya PTC yang sampai saat ini masih berjaya, disini kita juga akan dibayar untuk membaca email, signup atau promote, dan yang paling menarik ada permainan headtail coin seperti LR game. Dari permainan itulah saya mendapatkan banyak keuntungan alias bisa menggandakan uang yang telah saya peroleh dari klik tadi, asal kita bisa pandai-pandai mengakali permainan lempar coin tersebut sehari mungkin kita bisa mendapatkan lebih dari $5 atau puluhan ribu rupiah bahkan sampai puluhan Dollar soalnya maksimal bet disini hanya $0.1 alias seribu rupiah jadi kalau ingin dapat uang banyak harus bersabar, sudah untung kita dapat uang gratis tapi kalau uangnya sudah banyak jangan lupa upgrade membership anda biar penghasilan lebih besar. Pembayaran via paypal, alertpay, atau libertyreserve.
(untuk join silahkan klik gambar di atas)

dan yang terakhir adalah performancebux (maaf gambar tidak bisa di upload), up to $0.05/klik (member biasa) instan cashout $2 via paypal atau alertpay untuk join klik disini.

Saya berani menjamin anda tak akan menyesal mengikuti PTC diatas karena anda tak akan diminta bayaran sepeserpun untuk mendaftar malah anda akan mendapatkan untung sangat banyak dan jika anda memang betul-betul aktif dan serius mungkin anda bisa mendapat untung ratusan dollar bahkan jutaan. Kapan-kapan saya akan memberi anda E-book tentang cara mendulang ribuan Dollar dari PTC yang saat ini masih saya tulis dan belum saya selesaikan, maklum saya tidak punya banyak waktu tapi saya akan berusaha. Sekarang sangat banyak PTC yang ada mungkin mencapai ratusan tapi ingat dari ratusan PTC tersebut sebagian besar adalah scam alias tidak membayar, maka dari itu saya merekomendasikan anda mengikuti PTC yang sudah saya review diatas karena sudah saya buktikan sendiri. Jika anda ingin mengikuti PTC lebih banyak lagi saya sarankan anda lihat dulu di untuk melihat PTC yang memang betul-betul membayar anggotanya dan bukan scam. Tapi saya tetap merekomendasikan PTC yang saya review diatas. Jika ada pertanyaan silahkan anda pasang komentar dan nanti saya akan segera membalasnya.

Salam sukses!

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Which is the Best Way to Lose Weight?

Losing weight is not just about looking fit. It does not start and end with how a person looks outside, but rather how good her condition is on the inside. Overweight people who want to lose some fats are always on the lookout for the best way to lose weight. Since there are many products and information that are available on the net, it sometimes confuse them which way to choose.

Overweight problems are most of the time associated with hypertension, sleep apnea, heart ailments, diabetes and other health issues. Hence, it affects the lifestyle of a person. It deprives the overweight person of the freedom to move freely. The ultimate solution to this problem is to lose weight. Getting rid of such unwanted fats is a must.

Almost every weight loss plan suggests that a person go on a strict diet. However, most people find it too difficult to do. Moreover, it could affect their health if done impulsively. For this reason, you would need to find out what is the best way to lose weight which will not only be effective, but will also be safe and healthy.

A healthy weight loss diet is normally made of whole grains, low fat dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. The water intake should also be plenty. You will need more than 8 glasses a day if you want to trim down. You should also make it a point that you exercise on a regularly basis. The best attitude that one should possess when trying to lose weight is determination. Without it, it will be impossible to lose weight.

To make weight loss easier for you, aside from using the best ways to lose weight, you can also seek the help of dietary supplements like Hoodia Rush. It is among the most popular weight loss pills in the world today; plus, it is very safe and healthful to use.

Are you ready to lose weight effectively? Visit our weight loss review site to find out more about these great weight loss supplements.

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

sometime we need to know other fact about ya'juj and ma'juj..just read this post..take it as ur extra info('' ,)

Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog)

The emergence of the mighty tribes of Ya'juj and Ma'juj is also a major sign of Qiyamah.

Allah says in the Qur'an, "When Ya'juj and Ma'juj are let loose (from their Barrier) and they swiftly swarm from every mound" (Surah Al-Anbiya)

Allah says in the Qur'an, " (Zulqarnain) said, 'This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down (the barrier) to the ground. And the promise of my Lord is ever true." (Surah al-Kahf)

Zaynab bint Jahsh says: "Once the Prophet awoke from such a sleep that his face was red and these words were on his tongue, "There is none worthy of worship but Allah. Destruction is upon the Arabs on account of that evil which has come close to them. Today a hole as big as this has opened in the wall of Yajuj and Majuj. (The Prophet indicated the size of the hole with his finger and thumb)" (Bukhari/Muslim)

In the lengthy Hadith of Nawwas ibn Saman it has been mentioned, "And Allah will send Yajuj and Majuj and they will come from every lofty place." (Muslim)

Message from NIBIRU

Message from Nibiru – July 26, 2008 11:11 a.m.

Nibiru is not far from your realm now. It is within grasp of your consciousness. Your mind visualizes, but it only sees part of the picture. You cannot yet fathom the size of her, let alone how she will look to you from your planet. Her energy is pulling on your planet now. Twisting and belting up the crust in places never before feeling this emotion. She is here, dear one, she is near.

We pilot her through dimensional passageways. Your Galaxy resides on such a popular passageway, many traverse this method of reaching Earth, but many do not succeed in making it through. The reason for this at this time is that we do not allow it! If any were to get in the way of Nibiru, they would perish….we can only steer her…we cannot control her…for she has a spirit of her own will. This you must understand: All things have will. Including the planets, the galaxies and the thing you call “empty space” all of this has spiritual will. Nibiru is no different. She moves on her path like all living creatures do…fulfilling her destiny. Showing her might and strength of will in every motion. She is the ALL powerful planetary Goddess! Your Earth is her sister. She misses her sister and is now coming for a visit! We steer her as much as we can to avoid many catastrophies. We avoid impact….this is our purpose in steering her. However, we cannot avoid the turmoil caused by her strong will. Her will creates many a scenario and her sister finds her VERY overbearing, but realizes her healing power. Earth shall allow Nibiru to assist her in cleansing her body. Nibiru will come and bathe Earth in her healing energies…but there will be a “healing crisis” in that the body of Earth is in great illness filled with wounds and at the present time has already begun the preparations for her healing session with sister Nibiru.

During the healing…many will feel they are being forsaken, those who live on the planet, will attempt to hide themselves away in fear, but this is fallacy! There is no hiding from Nibiru! All eyes will see her, and all eyes will understand and WAKE UP! Nibiru will be seen from all angles and will, as if in a wave, her understandings brought to bear will wash over the planet. Love her, she is the Purifier, the great one of history. She has made it so that your planet is refreshed periodically in cyclical fashion. Earth is made new each passing, as is your planetary consciousness. Your collective is made aware and given decisions to make. The utmost decisions are: Is what I am doing beneficial to the greater collective? Am I in Love with my entity, knowing my entity has ties to all other entities in the collective and therefore am I loving All others? Ask yourself these questions and go within.

Nibiru will bring up all manner of buried emotions (buried garbage) all manner of toxic thoughts (toxic waste) and many things man has attempted to hide away within, must some day find a way out. This is the job of Nibiru….she will draw out all the poisons like a poultice from her sister’s wounds. and the wounds of her inhabitants. Allow this, and feel the love wash through your reality and you will come through the other side a cleansed and a fully conscious being. Knowing your immortality and realizing your oneness with your galactic family….we will begin the new age together as a Universal Family of Love.

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